Predictive Analytics and CRM

Predictive analytics is using data and quantitative analysis to derive insights, use those insights to shape business decisions and improve business performance. Predictive analysis helps to determine the future outcomes based on data, statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques on historical data. Common uses of predictive analytics for Customer Relationship Management include: Optimizing marketing campaigns By[…]

Vtiger Prediction for Potential Customer

Using Machine Learning to predict Potential Customer  Early we discussed about Lead Scoring in Vtiger, today we discuss about Vtiger Predictions and how it would be used to predict Potential Customers. What we mention here is called as Supervised Learning which could be used for Classifications and Predictions. In simple term we Train system with historical data[…]

Vtiger – Lead scoring

What is Lead Score ? Lead score is the likelihood that the Lead would generate business. The higher the lead score it is more likely to give business. Lead score depends on various factors and could vary from company to company or even how a Sales Person thinks about it. Lead Score in Vtiger In[…]

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